por David Areias, em 11.12.13

Mark Blyth
Austerity: the history of a dangerous idea
Oxford University Press, 2013
"John Quiggin usefully terms economic ideas that will not die despite huge inconsistencies and massive empirical failures as 'zombie economics'. Austerity is a zombie economic idea because it has been disproven time and time again, but it just keeps coming. Partly because the commonsense notion that 'more debt doesn't cure debt' remains seductive in its simplicity, and partly because it enables conservatives to try (once again) to run the detested welfare state out of town, it never seems to die. In sum, austerity is a dangerous idea for three reasons: it doesn't work in practice, it relies on the poor paying for the mistakes of the rich, and it rests upon the absence of a rather large fallacy of composition that is all too present in the modern world."
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